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Andy Jackson
You can read the following poems online by clicking on the titles below:
Listening Post/I Am The Man Who Winds The Doomsday Clock
Man Poem/Woman Poem (with Lindsay Macgregor)
New World Order/Tiny Clanger Tanka
The Académie Française Considers a Word for ‘Dogging’
The Last Rites of St Tabitha the Widow
Why The Man Wears Black (for Jim Stewart)
Filmpoems and Video Presentations
A selection of poems in video form:
From Hugh Macmillan's 'Poems from the Backroom'
The Chant of St Edmund The Martyr
Filmpoems from the creative hand of Kevin Macfarlane
The Baptism of St Hyacinth
The Absolution of St Joshua
The Assumption of St Stanislaus Kostka
Poems on Soundcloud
A selection of poems in audio form:
Tiny Clanger Triolet
Tiny Clanger Tanka
City of the Dead
Jennie Lee by Robert Capa
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