Andy Jackson
My collections

Games Night
(Red Squirrel Press 2023)
"Andy Jackson is adept at turning the world slant, even spinning time, history and memory into reverse. His poems turn up disguised as games, entertaining and ingenious, with both serious and comic intent. Be prepared to see the world as you’ve never seen it before..." (Rob A Mackenzie)

The Saints Are Coming
(Blue Diode Publishing 2020)
"The poems are by turns comedic, entertaining and illuminating but, crucially, they are also consistently moving. Indeed what raises this book to another level is the formal precision and meticulous skill with which Jackson has built the individual poems. This collection is serious poetry, at times seriously funny, to be seriously enjoyed - an unmissable addition to the poetic canon." (John Glenday)

A Beginner's Guide to Cheating
(Red Squirrel Press 2015)
"...wit, a healthy cynicism and perhaps a hint of sadness". (Dundee University Review of the Arts)

The Assassination Museum
(Red Squirrel Press 2010)
“alive with possibility and excitement: the possibility of remaking poems within the Scottish Literary heritage, the excitement of using rhyme and half-rhyme to amplify a voice rather than stifle it, the possibility of using memory to create and shape real, lasting works of art, and the excitement of a new voice emerging with confidence and real ability..." (Ian McMillan, Poet and Broadcaster)
Reviewed here (p.22)
As editor and co-editor

Split Screen (Red Squirrel Press, 2012)
Tour de Vers (Red Squirrel Press, 2013)
Whaleback City: The Poetry of Dundee and its Hinterland co-edited with W.N. Herbert (Dundee University Press, 2013)
Double Bill (Red Squirrel Press, 2014) Reviewed here
New Boots and Pantisocracies co-edited with W.N. Herbert (Smokestack Press, 2016)
Seagate III (Discovery Press, 2016)
The Call of the Clerihew co-edited with George Szirtes (Smokestack Press, 2019)
Scotia Extremis co-edited with Brian Johnstone (Luath Press, 2019)
Seven Journeys (Lapidus Scotland, 2021)
More Bloody Clerihews co-edited with George Szirtes (Smokestack Press, 2022)
Perthshire 101 (Tippermuir Books, 2022)
Poetry Noir (Tippermuir Books, 2023)
I've also been published in the following magazines:
Blackbox Manifold
Cafe Review
Dundee Writes
Ink, Sweat and Tears
Lighten Up Online
New Writing Dundee
Northwords Now
Ofi Press Magazine
Poetry Scotland
The Poets' Republic
My poems have appeared in the following anthologies:
A Year of Scottish Poems (ed. Morgan, Pan MacMillan 2018)
Advice On Proposals (ed. Topping, Like This Press 2014)
Beyond The Swelkie (ed. Mackintosh & Philippou, Tippermuir Press 2021)
Books and Libraries - Everyman Libraries Pocket Poets (ed. Scrimgeour, 2021)
Bugged (ed. Bell & Calcutt, CompletelyNovel 2010)
By Grand Central Station We Sat Down And Wept (ed. Cadwallender, Red Squirrel Press 2011)
Burns Window Project
Dostoyevsky Wannabe - Dundee (ed. Barrowman, Dostoyevsky Wannabe Cities, 2019)
Drifting Down The Lane (ed. Lawler & Marton, 2013)
Inspired? Get Writing! 2 (National Galleries of Scotland 2009)
Inspired? Get Writing! 3 (National Galleries of Scotland 2011)
Kakania (ed. Fowler, Austrian Cultural Forum 2015)
Mind The Time (ed. Mackintosh, Nutmeg 2017)
New Writing Scotland 25 - The Dynamics of Balsa (ed. Niven & Whittingham, ASLS 2007)
New Writing Scotland 29 - The Flight of the Turtle (ed. Bissett & MacDougall, ASLS 2011)
New Writing Scotland 33 - The Rooftop Busker (ed. Cambridge & Hendry, ASLS 2015)
New Writing Scotland 35 - She Said He Said I Said (ed. Hendry & Maguire, ASLS 2017)
Newspaper Taxis - Poetry After The Beatles (ed. Bowen et al., Seren, 2013)
Not Only The Dark (ed. Field & Gould, WordAid 2011)
Poems For Corbyn
Poets Against ATOS
Spark (ed. Mackenzie, Blue Diode Press 2018)
Sweet Breast And Acid Tongue (ed. Topping, Like This Press 2014)
The Darg (ed. Mackintosh, Poets' Republic 2019)
The Robin Hood Book - Verse Versus Austerity (ed. Morrison & Topping, Recusant 2012)
These Are The Hands - Poems from the Heart of the NHS (ed. Alma & Amiel, Fair Acre Press 2020)
Umbrellas of Edinburgh (ed. Askew & Jones, Freight 2016)
The View From Olympia - Poems Inspired by Olympic Sport (ed. Williams & White, Half Moon Books 2020)
Where Rockets Burn Through (ed. Jones, Penned In The Margins 2012)